SHENZHEN: 0755-27777321 27778567
QUANZHOU: 0595-24665500 24660203
XIAMEN: 0592 - 5769060 5769059
JINJIANG: 0595-24665505 24665562
SHISHI: 0595-24660205 86733655
PUTIAN: 152 6093 2867
FUZHOU: 159 8070 1670
YIWU: 158 6890 6755
Dear customer: Hello. Then DHL/FEDEX/UPS notice, all exports of goods with the goods receipt of each product shall truthfully declare value ( not allowed value of zero ), some special items to be declared according to the following requirements, otherwise the shipment arrived in Hongkong UPS may be denied a shipment or fastener to be consignor processing. Division I send service providers will not be one by one before the review document. The Proxy Companies knows and tell the sender, to ensure that the data is complete and correct with the goods, or transit, customs clearance delays and all subsequent cost is assumed by the shipper. Various types of special articles reporting requirements are as follows: One, textiles (shirt, pants, caps ) invoice filing requirements: The textile component + knitting method + + goods + style uses goods name (for example: Cotton ladies T-shirt:100% cotton knitted women T-shirt ) 1) if the product is more than one spin component, must indicate the textile component ratio, for example:70% cotton and30% wool; 2) indicate the textile fabric weaving method: knitting or textile ( Woven/Knitted ); 3) indicate the textiles style categories ( Mens / Womens / child etc.) Two, the article of footwear invoice filing requirements: 1) indicate the manufacturing component ( cloth / Leather types in detail ); 2) indicate the styles of footwear category (men's / Shoes / shoes etc.); 3) sent to the United States, to offer more than US $250, with the goods shall be attached with the declaration of" footwear"; Attached to:" footwear returns" reference Three, jewelry items, such as shipping to Canada, India or the United States, the need for annotated jewelry shapes ( such as square / round ). Four, leather goods, shall specify leather types (such as: cowhide sheepskin /PU / Leather etc.). Five, books, printed matter needs to make clear what kind of books and printing. Six, all electronics with batteries, send electronic products ( such as watches ), shipment must be done when the insulation, and electronic products are not in the starting state, otherwise UPS will refuse to accept the shipment; In seven, the circuit board PCB reporting requirements: 1) indicate the circuit board is dense or dense (? Populate PCB? ) ; 2) how many plates ( Layers )?; 3) is a flexible or rigid? ( Flexible or rigid ) Eight, integrated circuit IC reporting requirements: 1) belong to the logic integrated circuit or integrated circuit? ( Logic Integrated / cements ); 2) if it contains the memory ( Dram/ Sram ); 3) integrated circuit ( BIT ). Nine, watch reporting requirements: Watches must be in part (BREAKDOWN ) form of annotated table of the spare parts, spare parts quantity and unit price, For example, case, strap, table core. MOVEMENT ( DIAL ), PVC/COW LEATHER BELT ( PVC/ leather belt ), HOOKER ( deduction) MYEX courier July 23, 2012