SHENZHEN: 0755-27777321 27778567
QUANZHOU: 0595-24665500 24660203
XIAMEN: 0592 - 5769060 5769059
JINJIANG: 0595-24665505 24665562
SHISHI: 0595-24660205 86733655
PUTIAN: 152 6093 2867
FUZHOU: 159 8070 1670
YIWU: 158 6890 6755
Dear customer: Hello. Thank your company on the Division I has been the strong support! Bill of lading and invoices on the declared information must conform to the following content, especially cargo declaration reflects use and ingredients is very important, if not required to declare will be acting returned or blacklist: In 1, the declared value must be reasonable, in line with the market price fluctuation range. 2, invoiced value can not random newspaper, such as the invoice that unconventional or value has low reporting suspected Division I is entitled to the problem of processing. 3, such as low returns in addition to cause certain pecuniary loss, also will affect the sender and recipient in the local customs reputation, are likely to be the local customs into the black list later unable to delivery. 4, invoice declaration content requirements: (1), a complete and detailed description Description What is it? What is it made of? It is used to do? What are its components? For example:100% COTTON T-SHIRT FOR MEN (2), the country of origin ( for each commodity producing countries) COO (3), the value of Currency (4), each kind of commodity packages (5), each kind of commodity price - unit value (6), each kind of commodity price unit total value (7), all commodity price Total value In addition, as is the sample goods need to be marked " SAMPLE" and" NOT FOR SALE", and the textile sample must cut a notch angle can be regarded as" samples" and" for sale". Please follow the above tips declaration and operation, as a result of failing to perform according to the requirement, our company reserves the right to reject the goods fastener or may reject the goods, agent. As a result of the above requirements is not executed causing the shipment delay, refuse the shipment, return, withholding customs, customs clearance problems and all the responsibility and cost should be borne by your company. Notice is hereby given! MYEX will as in the past we are committed to provide you with high quality and reliable service, If have any questions please call our service hotline:400-661-6611, thank you for your support!