SHENZHEN: 0755-27777321 27778567
QUANZHOU: 0595-24665500 24660203
XIAMEN: 0592 - 5769060 5769059
JINJIANG: 0595-24665505 24665562
SHISHI: 0595-24660205 86733655
PUTIAN: 152 6093 2867
FUZHOU: 159 8070 1670
YIWU: 158 6890 6755
TNT express recently in the nyse Amsterdam stock market with "TNTE" name start trading, and will be included in the deal AEX code.
The TNT express is listed on the part of the company TNT, get the TNT company approved by the extraordinary shareholders' general meeting.
To mark the time in Europe to take the lead in the market, TNT express 9:00 chief executive Marie Christine has the time-Lombard knocked on the listing of the drum, she says, TNT express the new independence will make it can build a more powerful, more professional TNT express. The company's goal is to consolidate the position in the European market, and the routes capacity, at the same time Asia, seize the emerging market opportunity of development.
TNT express new shares settlement has set up a file in the May 31 start. TNT company business continues to mail to stock code PNL listed.