SHENZHEN: 0755-27777321 27778567
QUANZHOU: 0595-24665500 24660203
XIAMEN: 0592 - 5769060 5769059
JINJIANG: 0595-24665505 24665562
SHISHI: 0595-24660205 86733655
PUTIAN: 152 6093 2867
FUZHOU: 159 8070 1670
YIWU: 158 6890 6755
<p>Dear customer:<br /> Hongkong DHL notice, from March 12, 2012 onwards, Guatemala customs will not just to the import shipment imposed heavy fines provisions. Usually, travel to Guatemala package shipment requirements to accompany the original invoice ( If the value is equal to or in excess of $1000is required to provide commercial invoice) invoice content in detail, and contains the following information:<br /> The name and address of the consignor.<br /> Place and date of invoices issued.<br /> The recipient's name and address.<br /> . detailed description of the goods, raw materials, type or style<br /> The number of products.<br /> Products of single and total price.<br /> . both parties agreed to terms of trade<br /> . the gross weight of cargo ( if can be identified )<br /> The company is aware of, therefore the inconvenience, please understanding.<br /> MYEX thanks to the support of the company!<br /> 2012-03-23</p>