SHENZHEN: 0755-27777321 27778567
QUANZHOU: 0595-24665500 24660203
XIAMEN: 0592 - 5769060 5769059
JINJIANG: 0595-24665505 24665562
SHISHI: 0595-24660205 86733655
PUTIAN: 152 6093 2867
FUZHOU: 159 8070 1670
YIWU: 158 6890 6755
Dear customer:
After Hong Kong DHL by 2010, from September 1, sent the following related products in Indonesia with goods must be attached label products, such as product doesn't accord with the relevant requirements, the customs shall detain the local, or return goods produced clearance delays and related expenses for by the consignor. Please also note the information on products tags must fill in Indonesia, the label text local application of certificate, will be handed to the local department, about five working days issue certificates.
The following four classes with the goods must incidental goods product label (Annex I) : your IV,
Annex I - the bridle and stirrup electronics (46 ramp) family electronic products, a total of 46
Annex II - 1996 Building construction Building materials (8), take eight
Annex III - which vehicle spare materials (that) (24 hydraulics and Motor vehicle (take), including: spare parts and other), a total of 24
Annex IV - they host, footwear, commodities (products, toys, should apparel, etc.) (25 ramp) Other goods (such as: shoes, leather products, toys, clothes, etc, there were 25 items
Product label format and requirements (Indonesian language),
In Indonesia, the text - 1 language
2 and content will contain all the label - product information:
A) product name and trademark
B)? Made of company name and address (for local manufacturing)
C) the local entrances company name and address (for imported goods provides),
D) origin Country of origin (Country),
3 and the label position - different product label requirements of different positions, some requirements on product stick, some requirements in product, also some outside the box in the product and the requirements on must be attached.
Download please login: attachment content
Warm prompt - such as received the goods limited to ensure goods has accomplished about treatment. If you have any problem with the consignee shall notify the consignor contact.
Please be informed that matters above
MYEX service department