SHENZHEN: 0755-27777321 27778567
QUANZHOU: 0595-24665500 24660203
XIAMEN: 0592 - 5769060 5769059
JINJIANG: 0595-24665505 24665562
SHISHI: 0595-24660205 86733655
PUTIAN: 152 6093 2867
FUZHOU: 159 8070 1670
YIWU: 158 6890 6755
Hello. Hongkong UPS latest news, because at present to the American and European flights are very nervous, and USA line one aircraft failure, so all sent to America and Europe shipment has a chance to discharge bin can fly (American thing about discharge bin above / two weeks European pieces about discharge bin more than a week), currently go to Asia flights normal, temporarily not affected. In view of UPS in America and Europe the recent row storage time is longer, we suggest your American member please choose priority our Hongkong DHL channels or Hongkong FEDEX IP services, Europe can choose our Hongkong DHL channel or the FEDEXIP service in Hongkong. The agency is aware of and tell each other, therefore the inconvenience, please understanding! MYEX Minya Express International 2013-11-27