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Swiss post recently announced that, as part of the environmental protection plan, will DuoGe operating facilities in 20 on the roof of the installation (pv) power system, and will replace all mail delivery vehicles for electric scooters, strive in the end of 2013 to 15000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.
Photovoltaic power generation system will produce 6000 MWh per year of electric power, and can meet the Swiss post 4% of power demand, a total of 39 million Swiss francs to save the spending.
Zurich, Mulligen email center will deploy area of 26000 square meters of photovoltaic system. Swiss post dedicated to improve its DuoNian building energy efficiency, through the various measures to cut energy consumption by 20%.
Meanwhile, through the mail delivery vehicles will be replaced by electric scooters, by 2016, about 7500 a post on a scooter will achieve 100% electric change. Swiss post says that because of power from renewable energy sources, the noise is very small, less energy than gasoline engines, and gas emissions is almost zero.
To reduce oil consumption level, coach drivers have accepted the related training, with environmental protection way to drive traffic, will fuel consumption quantity reduced by 3%. At the same time, the Swiss post decided to drive technology for environmental protection of the larger vehicles driving professor driver.